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Saturday, 7 January 2012

Memory Card: SDCard Pinout 1

 .from: http://www.frank-zhao.com/cache/fat_sd.php

Pin on SD card Function Connect to Pin on AVR
MOSI (Master Out Slave In) The master refers to the device that generates the clock (the microcontroller), the SD card is the slave. Data on this pin travels from the microcontroller to the SD card. Also known as "DI". MOSI
MISO (Master In Slave Out) Data on this pin travels from the SD card to the microcontroller. Also known as "DO". MISO
SCK Serial clock pin, also known as "CLK" SCK
CS Chip select, the SD card pays attention to the data traveling on the SPI bus when this pin is low, and ignores the data on the bus when this pin is high Port B 3, but it can really be any pin since this one is software definable. You should use a pull-up resistor (I use a 10k and it works fine) on this pin.
GND Vss, ground, 0V Ground
3.3V+ Vcc, power supply pin, supply 3.3V to this pin to power the card. Only connect to a 3.3V power supply

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